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Sales Skills for a Competitive World

A 3 hour highly interactive session with role plays delivered either face to face or virtually.


This is my most popular workshop. It’s a back to basics approach for recruiters of any level. This workshop was regularly delivered in Australia and NZ via the RCSA and ITCRA.

It has been delivered to thousands of recruiters in the past 20 years and is continually being updated for industry changes. Delivered by a successful recruiter who can actually challenge participants to improve their sales skills and therefore success in our highly competitive industry.


Who should attend: Consultants and management who want either a refresher or to learn new sales skills that actually work in our industry.  


Outcome expected: Participants will leave with the skills required for basic sales in the recruitment industry.  They will learn both structure and technique which is reinforced using role plays.

The Art of Prospecting

  • Identifying gold/silver/bronze prospects

  • Where to find prospects

  • How to organise them and what to do with them

  • How to organise your prospecting time for maximum success


Cold Calling Techniques

  • Overcoming call reluctance

  • Setting a call objective

  • The structure of the call

  • Your voice and what it tells about you

  • Non-verbal body language


Client Visit

  • Overview of client visits

  • Setting a visit objective

  • Structure of the visit

  • Non-verbal body language – yours and your client’s

  • How to close


Follow Up for Relationship Selling

  • Ideas for follow up

  • 1-31 calls

  • Use of the phone, e-mail and other forms of follow up


Handling Objections

  • Role play your way to handling any objection


How to Close

  • Asking for the order/advert/business

  • When, how and why

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